Pineapples are low in calories so for all their health benefits are also a positive ingredient on any diet sheet. They are a source of Bromelian, which is found present in the core of the fruit. Enzymes present in Bromelian were initially thought to benefit the digestive system alone but now it is understood that the benefits are much wider and include a reduction of growth in some types of cancers and more generalised anti-inflammatory benefits. Bromelian is also thought to be helpful in dissolving mucus. Instances of Bromelian aiding the action of certain antibiotics have also been reported as well as improvements in post trauma healing where Bromelain is present in the diet.

Vitamin C is the body’s most commonly used antioxidant and it is found in high quantity in pineapple. It is water soluble and therefore easily reaches most parts of the body. It protects against the effects of free radicals that can attach and damage normal cells and potentially turn them into precancerous and eventually cancerous cells.

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