A single teaspoon of amla can contain more antioxidants than the average individual consumes within a whole week!
While amla should not be considered a sole source of antioxidants within a diet – large amounts of whole plant foods are vital – amla may provide supplemental benefit on top of an already healthy diet.
Antioxidants in the form of artificial supplements have been shown to be detrimental to health, and as such we should always seek to get these beneficial nutrients from foods, not pills. While science is still unclear on the other health aspects of Indian gooseberries (not much has been studied beyond Vitamin C content and overall antioxidants), amla is worth consuming for its antioxidant properties alone.
8 Impressive Health Benefits of Gooseberries
• Highly nutritious. Gooseberries are low in calories and fat, yet packed with nutrients.
• High in fiber and low in calories.
• Rich in antioxidants.
• May help control blood sugar.
• May protect your brain.
• May have anticancer effects.
• Good for your heart.
• Easy to add to your diet